About us
We are a family owned business and have been growing roses for over 60 years

Vishal Agarwal
Ashok Agarwal

Ashok Agarwal

Vishal, Sandhya and Ashok

Greetings Plant Lovers
A warm welcome from Friends Rosery to all our customers across the country and also new ones who have recently joined the world of roses, or developed a love for all of nature’s beautiful creations. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank thousands of our loyal customers and friends for their patronage and also providing us with the valuable opportunity to serve them. Your reviews and suggestions motivate us further for improving our quality and increasing our stock of plants.
“Rose” is a name derived from a Latin word “Rosa” and has great history in past. Nowadays, you can find roses in all shapes and forms. There is a rose for every corner. We are privileged to be associated with this lovely world and especially blessed to be located in a city which is known for its tradition and culture. The love for roses does not require any description and that is why roses are considered to be the king or as I would say Emperor of this world. You travel anywhere in the world and you will find rose lovers everywhere. A garden without rose plant is like a body without a soul. Some admire their beauty in their lawns while others enjoy it in public gardens. We are proud that we are a part of this lovely and beautiful rose world.
Many people are still not aware of this Rose World and get mesmerized with so
many names of roses, their shape, size, colour, and their growing habits. Breeders from all around the world are continuously working on creating a perfect rose investing their life to produce a beautiful rose which can thrive and flourish in your gardens. It’s their continuous effort which makes this rose world always new and intriguing. We try to offer you roses from all around the world and also from our very own Indian breeders.
Now with COVID almost behind us, we all are still trying to recover from its after
effects. One thing we are very happy about is that now people from all around the country have again started coming to our farm to enjoy and admire the beauty of our naturescape.
A word for our Customer
Friends Rosery is a family-owned business and has been growing roses for more than 60 years now, serving our valuable customers from the time of planting till bloom. I, Vishal Agarwal am the 3rd generation who is continuing to grow good healthy and quality roses along with many other plants. My grandfather started this rosery with the aim of providing quality and true to type roses. Our quality till date is unmatched and is on par with international standards. He attained a highly respectable name in rose world in a very short time. Then my father improved the techniques and methodology in rose growing and besides roses he also introduced many foliage and other exotic plants. Over the recent years my family has introduced many international, as well as Indian rose varieties to thrive in your garden.
Recently my elder brother Vivek who has always been a part of this family business, continuously motivating and cheerleading us till now has also joined the business and will be helping improve it further. Vivek brings in a wealth of expertise and experience from being a leader in semiconductor manufacturing and development for almost two decades working for world leaders.
Some additional developments at our farm – BOLT (dog breed – Rottweiler) has company of Yo-Yo & LUDO (Rottweiler). We adopted LUDO at the age of about 15 months through a family friend referral. He is doing good and now is a part of family. All three are integral to us and look after things at the farm in our absence. Also, Bolt recently gave birth to 7 puppies and has us all excited and running around to take care of them.
In recent years the cost of production, labor, irrigation, pesticides and insecticides has increased tremendously. Despite the odds, we work very hard to maintain reasonable prices while not compromising on quality one bit. We have a long list of very satisfied and happy customers enjoying the pleasures, that roses bring.
Our goal is to ignite your passion of gardening offering you excellent quality roses and other plants at affordable prices. Our roses are guaranteed to be strong, healthy and true to type variety. Our qualified staff is eager to assist you with ordering, growing information or any other query.
To enhance your growing experience, our systems are constantly evolving. We are also in the process of making a website to help improve the user experience and make it easier for ordering plants while enabling us to give more time to the fields and production. We are also working on adopting various automation schemes for different aspects of our growing system.
Besides roses, we offer a vast collection of Cactus & Succulents, House plants, waterlilies and adeniums. We have also started growing capsicum, tomatoes and other seasonal flowering plants and generally sell them as seedlings and few as mature plants to the local market.
For the Friends Rosery team, it is always a delight to see rose lovers and plant
lovers at our farm, guiding them through this fascinating world of roses as well as other plants. We welcome all with family and friends to enjoy this beautiful world of nature.
COME AND JOIN US in this jungle of madness in a STRESS FREE ZONE!
Please contact us beforehand to avoid any kind of disappointment. Please contact us about private meetings, conference’s, nursery tours for school children and seminars. We welcome and love such events.
Operating for over 60 years
We pride ourselves in providing healthy plants
Known for True to Type Plants

“Highest quality & true to type plants.”
~ Vishal Agarwal
Ashok Agarwal